Privacy Policy


At fashionvilla.92 we are committed to protecting your privacy and personal information. Our policy is to adhere to current legislation and best practices on the Internet. We aim to be responsible, relevant, and secure when handling your data.


NO THIRD-PARTY SHARING We do not share your personal information (such as your name, postcode, email address, etc.) with third parties. If we identify something that may interest or benefit you, we will inform you directly using the contact details you have provided.
NO PERSONAL DATA LOGGING VIA COOKIES We do not log personal data via cookies or link any personal data with third parties to build customer demographics. 

PURPOSE OF DATA COLLECTION Data is collected for technical administration of the website, enhancing your site experience, customer service, and fashionvilla.92 promotions. Any new use of your personal data will require your consent.


LEGAL OBLIGATIONS We reserve the right to share your personal information if required by law or to enforce our terms and conditions and other agreements. This may include exchanging information with other organizations for fraud prevention and credit risk reduction.

SECURITY LIMITATIONS While we strive to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of data transmitted over the Internet. Any information you transmit to us is at your own risk.


DATA REMOVAL AND UPDATES You have the right to be completely removed from our systems or to update any personal data we hold about you. To do so, please contact us through any available means.

Thank you for trusting FASHIONVILLA.92 with your personal information. We are dedicated to ensuring your privacy and security.

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